"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Friday, July 27, 2007

A Day of Relaxation, Rides and Rescues

Hey people! T here. Greetings (yet again) from Big Round Lake! Wow! Have we had quite the day. Everything started out pretty normal. You know - breakfast and playtime, followed by a ride in the boat to watch Daddy and Uncle C wakeboard. Just another typical day at the lake. Well, while out in the boat, something pretty silly happened. While wakeboarding, my Uncle C did some sweet trick but unfortunately, he took a tumble. When he let go of the ski rope, he started to sink down into the water. Again, very typical. However, what we soon realized was that Uncle C had fallen in very shallow water. Turns out, he wasn't sinking down in the water at all. Instead, he was standing straight up with his feet on the bottom of the lake - right out in the middle of the lake! Unbelievable!The excitement did not end there. After lunch, the whole Crane family was out floating on the island. We thought they were anchored down, but after a little while, we suddenly realized that they had become lost at sea. It was a windy day here at the lake and it seems that the anchor had not held. The Crane's were stranded on the island and they needed help!
"No problem!", I exclaimed. "Captain T to the rescue!"After the Crane's were successfully returned to shore, Cousin G needed some down time on the beach. She and my Pake kicked back and relaxed.
Thankfully, things slowed down after that. I ended up taking a whopper of a nap this afternoon (I'm fighting off a bit of a cold) and when I woke up, I was ready for more action. Just for a change in scenery, I hit the hot tub instead of the lake. Well, actually, I just stood on its steps and splashed in the water while Mommy helped to get supper ready for our big crew.We had a tasty dinner on the patio followed by some more boat riding.Lazlo seems to really like the boat. He gets super excited when we go through big waves or make huge splashes. My Auntie E has to hold on tight to him or I think he would jump right in!Tonight we loaded the whole gang into the boat. My Beppe had her arms and lap full but she didn't seem to mind. We ended our day with a great big bonfire on the beach. I loved watching the flames dance around and I was especially excited to see the full moon. I kept playing peek-a-boo with it through and around the trees. It was a good day! I can't wait for tomorrow!

1 comment:

Rob and Carrie said...

Happy belated b'day to Curt!