"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

More From The Lake

Hey people! T here. We had another great day at the lake. It was filled with fun and festivities. I started off by playing with my best bud, Lazlo. He's my Auntie E's puppy and I think he's awesome! He likes to play fetch with sticks and he gives me lots of sloppy kisses.Speaking of my Auntie E, it's really great to have her here with us. The last two years, she has lived too far away to come to our lake vacations but she just recently moved back a bit closer to us (relatively speaking) and so we are super excited to have her here. Today, she and my Pake showed up in the same t-shirts. How embarrassing!A great big highlight from today was the "BIG CATCH". That's right. I reeled in my first fish (with Daddy's help, of course). I guess it was a small walleye. I had never seen a fish come right out of the lake like that. It was unbelievable! What's more, I caught him without any worm on my hook. No bait at all! Crazy!Little G got in on the fishing action, too. His big sister G was a super helper to him.Probably the other big highlight of the day was celebrating my Uncle C's birthday. We went out for dinner at a really cool restaurant on the lake and then came back to the cabin for some yummy cheesecake that my Auntie A made. Happy Birthday, Uncle C! It was sure sweet being able to celebrate with you!After all of us little kids were in bed, the big kids finished off the evening with a bit of rockin'. Auntie A and Uncle C faced off in a hard core dual - I'm pretty sure Auntie A won!Talk to you later!

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