"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Day 9 - A Long Haul

Day 9 was a real challenge. Mommy tried to prepare me for the day by telling me that I was going to be in the car for quite some time. I guess I didn't really understand what she meant by "quite some time" because I was feeling very energetic and enthusiastic when we left our hotel that morning.
But by lunch time, my spirits were starting to wane. In fact, we were all feeling a bit tired. Thankfully, we stopped in a town that had one of my mom's favorite places - SONIC. We don't have these restaurants at home so this was a real treat for her. I, on the other hand, was still feeling a little grumpy.My mood changed pretty drastically though when mommy showed me one of the silliest things I have ever seen. Here's what happened. Late in the afternoon, we stopped in some town for gas. Mom got a crazy slushie drink at the gas station that was really really blue. She said she hadn't had one of these drinks in a really long time and since it was so ridiculously hot outside, she was in the mood for something cold. Made good sense to me. But, after she drank her silly blue drink, I discovered that her teeth and tongue had turned a crazy color. They looked SO funny! I could not stop laughing!! That silliness got me through the rest of our long drive. We arrived safely at my grandma GG's house in Des Moines way past my bedtime but I was so happy to be out of the car that I had to do some jumping and dancing when we arrived. It was really fun to see GG and what's more, my Grandpa and Grandma L were there, too. Super cool!


Rob and Carrie said...

Wow! Your tongue matches your eyes.

The Erickson Family said...

That is hilarious and a great idea!

~ Shannon (Overland)