"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Day 8 - Bright Lights, Big City

We bid farewell to Keystone and loaded up the Explorer to begin our long trek back to MN. However, we first made a very important stop in Denver to visit the Brockmeier's and the Spark's. Here's a picture of me that accurately shows my true feelings about getting back in my car seat for the return trip home.
However, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that this first leg of our trip was only an hour long. Piece of cake! We arrived at Mr. Aaron and Mrs. Noelle's house in Denver just in time for me to play a bit and then take a nap. Before I hit the hay, I got to meet Lauren Gayle. She is super cute and so very tiny! Then, when I woke up, my friends Mr. Tim and Mrs. Casey were there, too. I had a lot of fun playing with Casey. She is great!
That night, we all headed downtown for supper. We ate at this restaurant that was like none I have ever been to before. It was a Mongolian BBQ and they cooked your food right in front of you on this huge, REALLY hot, grill. It was fascinating! And the food was tasty, too. After supper, we explored downtown Denver a bit and then stopped for dessert at a Gellato place. This was another new experience for me and it was sweet! While we ate our tasty treats, the adults did a lot of visiting. Here's a picture of Lauren Gayle and her Mommy and Daddy. Isn't she just so cute?And here's a picture of my Mommy with her real good friends. I could tell that my mommy really likes these girls because they sure did a lot of laughing! After our fun night, we headed to our hotel downtown. It was a really nice place - a four star establishment, I guess. Mom said she got a real good deal on Priceline. Our room was on the 19th floor so we had quite the view of the city. There were SO MANY lights! I didn't admire them for too long, though, because I was pooped. Life in the city can be just as tiring as adventures in the mountains.

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