"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

At The Lake

Hey people! T here. My mom and dad and I are off on another adventure this week. This time our journey has brought us to the lake - Big Round Lake, that is. We're here with my mom's entire family and it is just super! Here's a look at what we have been up to the first couple of days.
As you can imagine, we have great fun playing outside. One of my favorite spots is the beach. I get a real kick out of filling up buckets with water and sand, pouring water on everything and of course, getting really dirty!
My cousin G likes the beach, too. She's really good at floating in the lake. It's a great way to stay cool on warm days.My other cousin, Little G, is here, too. His mommy doesn't think it's a good idea for him to be in the sand yet because he puts everything, and I mean everything, in his mouth. So, he gets to hang out on other cool things at the beach - like this bright yellow island. Here he is with our Pake just relaxing.And here he is hanging out with his mom on the island.Another fun activity I've been up to is fishing. My Pake and Beppe bought me my first rod n' reel and my daddy helped me try it out. I didn't catch anything my first time out but I don't think it helped that we didn't have any worms for my hook. We tried to use my fruit snacks as bait but the fish didn't seem to care for them. I am bound and determined to snag my first catch. Stay tuned!When we need a break from the sun, we can head into the cabin. I am having a lot of fun playing with my cousins. We are working on learning to share. I think we're getting better at it. My cousin G is a super good storyteller. I love it when she reads me books!And of course, one of the best parts about being at the lake is riding in my Pake's boat. It can go super fast. I especially like when we go over bumps on the waves. Here's a picture of G1 and my Beppe on our boat ride last night.And here's a picture of me, too. As you can see, by the end of the day, I am pretty wiped out from all of my lake excursions. So tired, in fact, that last night on our evening cruise, I fell asleep sitting in my chair on the boat. This is the life!


Anonymous said...

What fun that we can watch your lake adventure. Please remember to document everyday as we'll be checking in to see if Den is being a good boy. We know the kids will be angels. Love to all of you. V&M

Brent and Jennifer Rogness said...

You look like you are having fun! Keep it up!
Miss you!

Love, Jennifer

Svoblogger said...

T -
tell your parents as they consider next week's big adventure that Duluth is a great city on a great lake... and tell your dad how much fun you'd have throwing rocks into the big lake.