"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Friday, June 29, 2007

Day 1 - By T

T here.
As promised, here's a recap of our first day on the road. We spent A LOT of time riding in the car. We stayed busy listening to music, singing, reading books, coloring and looking out the window. I saw some really cool windmills, well, actually, they're called wind turbines, along the interstate. They were one of the highlights of my day. They were HUGE!
All in all, we were in the car for about 9 hours. We stopped for a tasty lunch at BK somewhere along the way. I enjoyed wearing the crown that came with my meal. We made one other stop so I could stretch my legs. Other than that, we just kept on trucking. I was so excited for this adventure that I didn't fall asleep in the car at all....not even for one little minute!
We arrived at our first stop on our journey just in time for supper. We're staying with mom and dad's friends, Mr. and Mrs. E, for the weekend. They're super cool. I'm looking forward to spending a day or two with my friend A. We haven't seen each other in quite awhile. In fact, since our last visit, A has become a big sister. She introduced me to her new bro, E. He's a cute little guy. I can't wait for tomorrow. I think we're going to have a whole lot of fun!

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