"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Boys Will Be Boys

T had a real "Guy" moment at supper tonight. As we were enjoying some tasty Old Chicago pizza, T ever so slightly lifted up one leg, along with its corresponding cheek (all while strapped in his high chair, mind you) and, well, how shall I say this - T tooted. He cut the cheese. He broke wind. Dare I say it. Yes - he farted. Now, this noise, as well as the accompanying action, was not what made this moment so amusing. As you may have guessed, this was definitely not the first time T has expelled gas with sound. However, what made this event more amusing than previous episodes was T's reaction. When T heard his own music, he got the silliest smirk on his face, looked at his Dad, and then let out a big old belly laugh. And as if this were not enough, he then proceeded to sign "More. More". At this point, I was nearly in tears as I had to break the news to T that I could not make him flatulate on demand. "More. More," he implored. Father-of- the-Year, M obliged T by making his infamous farting noise. Many of you know this sound effect all too well as you have been the victim of it as you innocently bent over. T was beside himself with giddiness at this new trick. He, too, proceeded to attempt to create his own "pfrt" sound. He did not have a lot of success but he certainly had a lot of fun trying. I am quite confident that this evening's escapade was only the first of many melodious mealtimes. Boys - gotta love 'em.


Anonymous said...

Your story provided a good laugh for me early this morning. All I can say is "Thank goodness for little girls". Marilyn

Henrik and Carrie said...

Oh my. With all of the wonderful things my dear brother will pass on to his son, I was hoping that this "skill(?)" would not be one of them!!

Looking about 8 years into the future I can just imagine myself bending over to pick up a Christmas gift that needs to be passed out when all of a sudden, I hear the T-Man make his "pfrt" sound on behalf of his Aunt Carrie! Oh the embarrassment that awaits me!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, you precious little rascal. I can hardly stand not being closer to you. Thanks for the blogs- WE LOVE IT. G & G L. P.S. we are still bailing water!!!!!! I'm off for more fans -

Brent and Jennifer Rogness said...

Like father, like son!

M and B said...

Let the education of becoming a man begin.

Anonymous said...

Way to go little man!!