"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Good Bye Peg Leg - Hello Transformer!

Yesterday morning T was still unwilling to walk flat-footed on his left leg. As a result, M called in and talked with our new friend, Dr. Lehnert, the orthopedic. She said she wanted to see T right away. So, after school, M took T back to the clinic where it was determined that T is having some "muscle memory" issues....that is to say, his foot muscles do not want to loosen up on their own. The solution - a cool black boot that "encourages" T's foot to flatten out.
He doesn't like putting it on all that much, but once it is on, he doesn't seem a bit bothered by it. He does not have to where it all the time but the more the better, I guess. The Dr. felt that this would do the job at helping his muscles to "forget" about his cast experience. Let's hope so!On a positive note, T was extremely brave at the clinic. He did not shed a tear throughout his entire examination. Way to go, T! Nothing like a little broken leg to help conquer your fear of doctors, well, at least orthopedics.


Sara said...

Similar to the greeting cards that play music when opened, we should invent an attachment for the boot that plays the transformer sound as the boot's being applied! It will be all the rage.

Anonymous said...

Oh, T, G & G are so proud of you for being so brave at the doctor's.
Wow, I bet your Dad almost burst with pride.

I like the Berge suggestion of the theme song attached to the boot - how about sound effect!!
Love from G & G - we miss you!