"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Monday, April 30, 2007

One and a Half

Perhaps you're wondering what a 1 1/2 year old does all day when he only has the use of 1 1/2 of his legs. Well, I'll tell you. He keeps his parents hopping....that's what he does. M stayed home with T today and he realized very quickly that T's current reality is quite a bit different than it was 24 hours ago. Whereas before T could motor around the house on his own free will and select toys and books to play with on his own, he now has been forced to rely on his parents to provide him with entertainment at his every beck and call. In addition, when you take out the big motor playtime from T's daily schedule, you are left with quite a few holes to fill. Ever resourceful, M rose to the challenge and decided to take T to the store and buy him a new set of wheels that he can motor around in for the next few weeks. These All Terrain Radio Flyer wheels were a big hit with T and he was able to spend time riding around the house in his wagon, kicking back and relaxing in his wagon and even simply playing with his toys in his wagon.In addition to this, we are under direction from the doctor to elevate T's leg whenever possible, a perfect example of theory not aligning with reality. Quite impressively, M was able to get T's leg up in the air for a little while today. The golden ticket - Baby Einstein's Day At The Farm DVD.

T gets his cast on tomorrow at 1:50 pm. Pray for us!


Candis Berge said...

Oh wow, what a little sweetie he is. Those pictures really capture what Titus is going through (and you guys as well) - we will remember to pray for you all tomorrow as the cast gets on. My heart just says "ohhhh" when I see the pictures of him playing with his toys in his little wagon. So tough on the little guy!

Becky said...

Well, it's almost cast time for T as I write this. I'm sending up a prayer for everyone. This is all such a bummer. I noticed T had some flags cheering him up in his wagon. I think he'd be even more content if you found that Montana flag for him to play with. :)