"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, April 29, 2007

A Day of Ups and Downs

We've had quite the day today. All was grand and lovely until about 5:00 pm. Before this hour arrived, M had successfully assembled and attached the slide on T's new playset. T could not have been more jolly. Up and down, he went. Over and over and over again.Then, in a strange turn of events, T's fun and frolic came to an abrupt halt. He had ventured away from his playset to investigate a little portion of the landscaping alongside our house where he greatly enjoys throwing rocks into a little flowerbed. I was pulling weeds in this same flowerbed about five steps from T when I suddenly heard a wail of a cry. This cry was like none I had ever heard from our sweet boy so I knew immediately that something was not good. It seemed that T had taken a tumble from a little ledge along our landscaping (less than a foot off the ground). There were no visible injuries (by that I mean no blood or protruding bones), but the tears were flowing and the crying was fast and furious. After nearly a half hour of consoling, T calmed down enough for us to try and assess the damages. Though now in fairly good spirits, T was unable to bear any weight on his left leg. These symptoms persisted and we determined that a trip to the Urgent Care was necessary. As some of you know, T is not a fan of nurses and/or doctors so I knew this visit would not be pretty. T did well during our half-hour wait in the lobby (aside from the fact that he kept wanting to walk but was unable) but as soon as we crossed the threshold of the exam room, the tears started rolling. An hour later we emerged from the clinic with the following diagnosis. T has championed a small fracture in his left tibia, just above his ankle. It was no small feat to obtain the Xrays that allowed for this diagnosis. Well done, Mr. XRay Technician Man. Well done. T did muster up a "thank you" (in sign language) to the kind man after the Xrays were complete. Precious. T's course of treatment is as follows. He will wear the pictured splint for the next three days. During these three days, he is not allowed to put any weight on his left leg. Wow. This should be interesting. After said three days, T will then be suited up with a fancy little cast which he will likely need to wear for about three weeks. Again, this should be interesting. As was true for the Xrays, the application of the splint to T's injured, but strong, little leg was no walk in the park. Thank you to the kind nurse and patient doctor who took care of Big T. I can only imagine what it will be like when he has to get his cast on. They may need to knock me out.


Rob and Carrie said...

Poor little guy!

Stewart the dog and Samsonite the cat said...

Stew and Sam are going to miss you tomorrow... Have fun with Daddy and take it easy. Get well soon. T

Kari, RN said...

Oh, wow, T! I send you this Get Well message for a speedy recovery. And I'll pray for patience for you, your mom and your dad while you can't put any weight on your leg, and for the doctor and nurse that help get your cast on! What an experience!

Candis Berge said...

Oh NO! And just in time for playing on the new play stuff! I'm so sorry to read about T's leg! Isn't that too bad? Yes, it surely is. He will bounce back but we pray for all of you for the next few weeks of healing.

Anonymous said...


poor T.

Zeb must have been about T's age when he had to go to the dr on back to back visits within a week. he had an ear infection and couldn't lay down without screaming. the first visit was a dissaster (much like it sounds like T's was), complete with zeb vomiting from crying too much.

but on the way to the dr the second time we took the time to explain to zeb everything that was going to happen. we told him everything we thought the doctors would do and what the nurses would do. it seemed to help - so that might be a solution for t's upcoming dr visits.

Family said...

Oh T - we are so sorry to hear about your tumble. I think Mom is the one that really needs our prayers. Vic and Marilyn

Anonymous said...

So sorry Big T - but we know you are in good hands.

We love you!! G & G L.

M and B said...

T sounds like a tough kid to have quit crying after a half hour. Most kids were probably keep wailing. Looks like a true champ in the making!