"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Saturday, April 28, 2007

The First of Many

T's new playset is nearing completion. He actually got to enjoy his first swing this afternoon after his nap. He LOVED it!

After about 15 minutes in the toddler swing, he then decided that he wanted to try out the big boy swing. All was well and T was feeling pretty proud until he decided to let go. Oops. He was barely moving and I was right there so I think he was more startled than injured. He's fine and the little tumble didn't dampen his first experience on his playset in the least. He just got right back in the swing (the toddler swing) and enjoyed another smooth ride. Today's ride (and tumble) are the first of many, I am certain.

All that remains to finalize the playset is the attaching of the slide (which involves building some sort of base, I guess), the placing of the rockwall grippers, securing some other fort accessories (a steering wheel and periscope) and assembling the sandbox which sits underneath the fort. M has done a great job and we are super excited for the completion of this memory making project.

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