"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Monday, November 06, 2006

A Trick Or Treat Tale By T

On October 31, I was able to fully participate for the first time in the spooky shenanigans of Halloween. By day, I wore a t-shirt that my mom bought me. She said it described me to a "T". I AM her little wild man!

By night, I masqueraded as a plump purple dragon. Here is what I looked like from the front and from the side. I thought my spikes and tail were pretty cool!

After I got all suited up, I was quite excited to try out this thing called "Trick or Treating". But before we headed out, I helped Mom and Dad answer the door and hand out candy to some other kids in costumes. I waited patiently for my turn and when the time finally arrived, I stepped out in my purple suit and headed down the street to visit some of our neighbors.

I only visited a few houses because it was pretty hard work being a purple dragon. My favorite stop was at Miss Tricia and Mr. Tom's house. Not only did they give me some yummy candy, but they also gave me a super fun Halloween gift. While I was there, I took a little break from tricking and treating and sat down with a good book. Purple dragons love to read, too, you know!

I also got to meet up with my cousins, E and N, at Miss Tricia's house. They were disguised as a crazy cub and a loveable lion. When my cousins first arrived, N was sleeping. I sat down and had a little chat with him and told him he had better get in costume because there was a world full of treats out there waiting for him. He thanked me for bringing this to his attention and promptly adorned his lion attire.

Before we called it quits for the night, the three of us obliged our parents by settling down for some photos. It was a night that purple dragons only dream about!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Great pics again. Too bad you couldn't have walked all the way to Eagan.