"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Monday, November 06, 2006

Weddings and Wee Ones

So, this past weekend, we had a whopping party (which is why my mom is tuckered out)! The reason for the celebration was the wedding of my mom and dad's special friend, Miss L, to a really neat guy, Mr. B. The wedding was on Saturday, but there were many festivities even before the "Big Day". All eight of the members of my mom's "girls weekend" group were able to come for the event and three of them brought along some new friends for me to play with. The first to arrive was A. She is 10 months old and lives in South Dakota. She helped me learn how to "be gentle" when playing with little girls.

The next to arrive was the youngest member of the group. His name is Mr. C. He is 3 months old and he came all the way from Florida with his Mom, Miss B, who was my mom's roommate in college. My mom says C looks just like his daddy. I was really happy to see another little man join the group!

The last of the little people to arrive was my friend, A. She is extra special to me because she has the same birthday as I do. We were born 14 hours apart on August 31! A came all the way from Vancouver with her mom, Miss H. I really liked her red hair.

So, once all of the girls had arrived, it was time for the big day. Here's a picture of the beautiful bride, Miss L. She looked super pretty. In this photo, she was taking a quick rest before the ceremony began.

And here's a picture of all of the girls visiting with Miss L. before she got married. The wedding was really nice. I almost made it through the entire ceremony, but Dad had to take me out because I was having a hard time staying quiet. It was all so interesting.....I just couldn't contain my excitement! Anyway, we had a great time. Congratulations, Miss L. and Mr. B. I'm excited to visit your new home when you get back from your honeymoon (whatever that is). Thanks for letting me be a part of your special day! - T -

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