"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, October 01, 2006

A Whirlwind of a Weekend

Hey people! Or as Dad says, "Hello My Peeps"! It's been a busy weekend at our house and my Mom and Dad are too tuckered out to do much of anything, so I (T) decided to take over the blogging responsibilities tonight. Here's a quick rundown of what we've been up to the past few days.

Friday night and all day Saturday, my mom took a group of girls from our youth group to the Girls of Grace Conference sponsored by Point of Grace (pictured above with some dude from Avalon). She said she had a super fun time. Her group got to sit in the sixth row for the concerts on Friday night so that was pretty exciting for them. I included a picture of the girls that went with mom to the conference. They're a pretty silly bunch!

Since mom was out with the girls, Dad and I had a "guys weekend". Friday night, we went to the Eastview football game. It got a little noisy sometimes, but for the most part, I thought it was cool! Then on Saturday, we went to the Twins game with Uncle H, Cousin E, Mr. JB, and Mrs. SB. It was my first ride on the train and my first time at a Twins game. I was totally in awe of all the action. Plus, you're never going to believe what they were handing out to all the fans when you walked into the Metrodome....little American flags. How did they know that I LOVE flags? I was very excited! Unfortunately, the Twins lost, but we still had a fun time!

Then, last night, Uncle H and Auntie C went out to celebrate their anniversary, so Cousins E and N got to spend the evening at our house. We were super busy...playing basketball, going down the slide, and all kinds of other stuff. By the time mom and dad got us all tucked into bed, they looked pretty pooped!

Today, after we went to church and ate lunch, I took a nice long nap. I think mom snuck in a little snooze, too, before she went and bought us some groceries. After my nap, I helped Dad clean up the garage and prune some trees and then we all played outside after supper. And to top it all off, the Twins won their division today. What a weekend! Go Twins! - T -


Family said...

Titus - we are so happy you are a Twins Fan. I'm really jealous that you got to go to the game even if they lost. I think you should ask your parents to buy World Series tickets just in case they make it that far!! GO TWINS! Marilyn

Rob and Carrie said...

Happy Birthday, Stacy! Just wanted you to know we're thinking of you today. Miss you!

Rob and Carrie said...

Sorry if you've gotten several comments from me today, but I'm not sure if they are going through! Just wanted to wish Stacy a happy birthday! Miss you!