"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring Break '13

After last year's awesome Disney spring break, I guess it was only fair that we had to stay put this time around.  We tried to make the best of a week off at home by doing some projects around the house while also doing some fun stuff around the area.  We kicked off the week with some Easter preparations.

First, Palm Sunday! (I guess T avoided the camera this day)...

 Up next - the annual dyeing of the eggs!

 Later on - An inaugural visit to Cherry Berry for T and Z...
 Another day - An outing to the MN Zoo where Z introduced her stuffed penguin to the real dudes in tuxes.  They seemed to like each other!

 Mr. B all cozy and bundled in the stroller while we ventured outside to see the Grizzlies.
 They were definitely worth the walk - they put on a great show this day!

 Up close and personal!

  Just hanging around at home...

 And finally - An afternoon at the MOA and Nickelodeon Universe!

 All in all, it was a great week just hanging out as a family - we'll take that any day!

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