"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, March 10, 2013


On Tuesday of this past week, we were gifted with something that does not come around these parts very easily or very often.  We had a SNOW day!  It's not that we don't get our fair share of snow in the winter.  It's just that these metro plows are too good.  They are so efficient at keeping the roads travel ready that in order for us to get a snow day, you need a pretty big batch of snow that comes at just the right time of day.  All factors came together early Tuesday morning resulting in a 5:03 automated phone call from our district's superintendent announcing to us that we indeed had a snow day.  Joy abounded in our house!  T had gotten a new Lego set the night before with some money he had earned and he had begged me to let him stay up and build it.  He was denied so when he got up for school on Tuesday, unaware that a snow day had been declared, I told him that I had been thinking and had decided that he could just stay home that day and build his Lego set.  Of course he was skeptical but I kept insisting that it was OK - he could just stay home and build.  His expression was priceless!  Eventually I let him in on the snow day secret.  It was pretty fun.

We started off our snow day morning with some snow man pancakes.
We then proceeded to play games, build Legos, fix puzzles, play the Wii, draw/color, watch a movie...all sorts of good stuff.  A bit later in the afternoon, Michael and T ventured outside onto our now much larger snow mountain.
 It was definitely an awesome way to spend a Tuesday! 

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