"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Start of A Second Tradition

A few weeks back, when I first started documenting our advent chain, I also mentioned that we have started what we hope will become another tradition in our family for many Christmas seasons to come.  As the final days until Christmas are dwindling down, I realized that I have never come back to write down and detail what that second tradition-in-the-making is.  So, here goes.

Inspired by this site and this site, we decided to have a Jesse tree this year.  The tree is meant to symbolize Jesus’ family tree with  ”Jesse” referring to one of Jesus’ ancestors, and the “Jesse Tree” specifically named so in reference to Isaiah 11:1 -

 1 Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse
And a branch from his roots will bear fruit. 

So, during the season of advent, typically each evening after dinner (or right before bedtime, depending on the night), the kids take turns finding the appropriately numbered bag from a basket under the tree that contains an ornament to be hung on the Jesse tree.  On one side of the ornament is a picture and on the other, a portion of Scripture to be read that night.  Each symbol and Scripture tells of Jesus’ ancestors as well as the events that led up to His birth.  The kids (T especially) have really enjoyed looking at the symbol/picture and predicting which story from the Bible they will hear that night.  The scripture side of the ornament has also served as a great opportunity to teach T how to read scripture references.  Before reading the scripture, we also light our advent candles (another new addition to our Christmas decor this year). 
Admittedly, some nights seem to be more "successful" than others, though I will never consider time spent reading God's word to my kids as "unsuccessful".  Nonetheless, I will say that some nights have not gone as I envisioned, while others have been filled with really great questions and discussions.  However it looks on the outside, though, we are prayerfully hoping to use the Jesse tree as a tool to bring our kids' focus (and ours for that matter) back on the reason for Christmas: Jesus Christ.

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