"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Princess Pearly Whites

Z had her first "official" visit to the dentist today.  Previously, she has come along as a spectator but today was her big day in the chair.  She did fabulously - just like an old pro.  She told our hygienist that the floss she used on her was "spicy" and that the bubble gum fluoride she personally selected tasted "really good".  Ummm, ok.  The highlight of the visit for Z was definitely selecting her new toothbrush.  Wouldn't you know they had just replenished their princess supply and so Z is the proud new owner of a Cinderella toothbrush.  Getting her to brush her teeth at bedtime tonight was a piece of cake now that she has a "royal" brush.  The highlight for me was that she did awesome - totally cooperative and comfortable, and the fact that she had no cavities was simply icing on the cake (sugar free icing, that is).  See you in six months, Mr. Dentist!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WAY TO GO, Z. Stacy, I love your new pic on the blog - Priceless!! Congrats on the new jet ski and the "big" phone call. Let the "video" roll!!!! Love to you guys!