"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Some Indoor Activities

While everyone was home, we DID spend some time inside as well. We spent one day at the Mall of America and made stops at the Lego Store, Build-A-Bear, the Rainforest Cafe, the MN Sea Life Aquarium,
and Nickelodeon Universe.  Here we encountered some very famous people, 
and rode a few rides, like the Log Chute (only Pake and Grant wanted to take a gander on this one),
and the Ferris Wheel (somehow it was me and all the kiddos that ended up on this ride).  We had fun!
On a separate day, some of the ladies had dessert at the American Girl Store restaurant - it was a hit with this little lady :)
 Back on the home front, there was also some game playing,
a bit of Just Dance Kids on the Wii,
 and of course, some building of Lego creations (inspired by our visit to the Lego Store).
Good times!

1 comment:

The Cranium House said...

You just had to include the one of me shaking my booty! Grace and Grant thought it was quite funny :0)