"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Z's Treasure

A couple weekends ago, our church had its annual garage sale (put on by the women's ministries as a fund raiser for our youth group). We helped with the set-up on Wednesday night, helped man the sale on Thursday and part of Friday, and then helped with clean up on Saturday. T and Z both really like the garage sale adventure - mostly because they like digging for "treasures". Pictured below, you will see Z wearing one of her most prized possessions from the sale.Michael found this shirt in one of the many clothing piles and put it on Z. She "loves it because it's pink" and she begged to take it home. I told her it could go in her dress- up box. Whenever she wears it, she proudly marches into the room and declares, "Life's better BLONDE!".Oh my - she cracks us up!


erinmarie said...

Oh Z you are too cute!

Becky said...

Yes, Z it sure is! I love how much she looks like T in the bottom picture.

Anonymous said...

I agree with auntie Erin, you are too cute, Z!!! Beppe

Anonymous said...

Oh my, what a treasurer!!! Z, you Dad always loved a good garage sale! You look absolutely darling in your pink shirt and I'm so glad you are BLONDE!! I love you, Z!!! Grandma