"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Mommy and Me Day

As eluded to in my last post, I had the privilege of attending my second Mommy and Me Day at T's preschool right before Mother's Day. To be certain, it is a highlight in his school year (for the both of us)! This year's morning did not disappoint. We were treated like royalty :). There were lovely hand-made corsages awaiting us upon arrival. We were then given premium seats for a concert. Here are some of my favorite songs (they sang about 10).

The singing was followed by a number of different centers that we took part in together. There was the wall of fame - drawings made by the kids of their moms. Each mom needed to guess which portrait was theirs. Here is T's portrait of me.So cute! Under each picture was an informational sheet that each child had filled out about their moms. This is what mine said.I think I've shown some improvement since last year when T's response was, "My mom looks beautiful when....she takes a shower and gets dressed."

We also had our pictures taken, made a scrapbook page for our photo, read books together, played a game together and I also had a snack made for me by T. The kids had also made us our very own purseswith a sweet message inside.I had a grand time! Thanks, T! I love being your Mommy!


JandH said...

I think we all look pretty after our showers. Thank goodness for modern conveniences. I love those notes about Mom. Priceless.

Rob and Carrie said...

How sweet! I can't wait to see those little ones. They have grown so much!!

Anonymous said...

PRICELESS!! What a special day! Grandma

The Cranium House said...

Hey, T! That was great! "Goonie Bird" was our favorite. Will you teach it to us this summer when we see you?