"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Little Bit Of Pluckin'

Nearly eight years ago, Michael decided that he wanted to learn how to play the banjo. He had already become a bit versed in the harmonica, so he felt the banjo was a natural progression. He bought himself a Deering, a "how-to" book, a cool backpack carrier, and a little later on, an instructional video. He taught himself some chords and a few little ditties. But after about a year, the banjo was...well, not exactly neglected, but, let's just say it didn't get played all that often. During that time, it sat on a stand next to our piano and every once in awhile, was taken off, strapped on and plucked.

Things started looking up for our little banjo a little over a month ago when we got a new worship director at our church (a talented guy who has been part of our congregation and worship team for quite a few years). He recalled a conversation that had taken place months back in which Michael mentioned that he had toyed around with playing the banjo. Drawing on that knowledge, he asked Michael if he would like to play with the worship band when they played, "Just a Closer Walk With Thee". Michael agreed to at least practice with them and see how things went. Turns out a few chords got him a long way, and he made his debut three weeks ago. Unfortunately, I did not think to video the grand event. Thankfully, this week, the praise team was getting ready to play another little bluegrass number and Michael was again given the opportunity to play. He agreed and this go around, I was ready with the camera :) Take a look at our banjo boy!
Great job, Daddy! We are so proud of you!


Anonymous said...


Stewart the dog and Samsonite the cat said...

I love it!!! Thanks for sharing.