"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Playdate with Sweet Pea

Not too long ago, Z got to have one of her best pals, Sweet Pea, over for some girl time. The two little ladies played so well together and were oh so busy.

First, they cooked up some delectable treats in the kitchen.
This was followed by some cupcake decoratingand a tea and treats party with some other little ladies.All that time around food meant that these two little princesses were feeling a bit famished for a "real" snack .Once replenished with energy, the two were put to work and helped me clean Toot and Puddle's fish bowl. It didn't seem like too much work to them, though. They had a jolly old time doing it.And since Sweet Pea's pets are of a much furrier nature, she seemed especially intrigued by our water dwelling duo.The girls rounded out their bustling morning with some more relaxing type activities, including drawingand reading.
Thanks for playing with us, Sweet Pea! Come on over again real soon!


Stewart the dog and Samsonite the cat said...

She had just as much fun!!! Thank you so very much. :o)

Anonymous said...

THIS IS JUST TOO CUTE!! Love the frilly skirts - precious memories!

Brent and Jennifer Rogness said...

This is so adorably cute! love it!