Some say that the Dutch people (of which I am a part of) have an obsession with cleanliness. I can't say that I am obsessed with it, but I do enjoy a clean house. It seems my children have inherited some of the happy clean gene because they genuinely enjoy washing the kitchen floor.

Granted things do get a bit more soapy and definitely a lot more wet when they assist, but I can honestly say it is a whole lot more fun with my two little helpers than it is by myself.

Thanks for the help, kiddos!
Oh you make me so proud my little Dutch munchkins! Beppe
Can't wait to enlist our girls into doing the household chores!
Oh, that's great! I learned a saying a few years ago that we still use around here; "Cleanliness is next to Gaalswykness!"
Super cute! Stacy, good you included the disclaimer to cover the child labor laws :) Grandma
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