"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's Official

Yep - it's true. T's mouth has one less tooth in it than it did yesterday! Our not quite 5 1/2 year old has lost his first tooth! Here's the story:
It was parent-teacher conference week this week at school for both M and me. That meant two long 12 hour days on Wednesday and Thursday for us. Thanks to Beppe (as well as a visiting Auntie Erin), the kids hardly even knew we were gone. On Thursday, I met the gang for lunch at a restaurant near my school. Soon after I got there, I asked T if he had shown Erin his wiggly teeth. He had not - so he then did. We proceeded to eat our lunch and just before we were getting ready to go, I asked T if I could see his teeth again. I wanted to see for myself how loose they had become. When he opened his mouth, to our great surprise, one of his teeth was gone! We searched through his remaining bowl of Mac N Cheese but alas, the little bugger was nowhere to be found. T did not seem the least bit dazed by the whole event. His gums did not even bleed. So what shall we do about the tooth fairy, on this her inaugural visit to our house? We told T that we would write her a note explaining what happened, along with a drawing of his tooth, and he could place those under his pillow for "proof". He was fine with that idea. We are now watching that second loose tooth like a hawk :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are one tough guy, T. Just take it all in stride. :) Cute story and I bet the tooth fairy is going to LOVE it. It's one for the books. Grandma