"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Way to Go, Daddy!

Today M did something he has never done before. He ran a marathon. The Twin Cities Marathon to be exact. And he finished. No small feat for someone who was given the chance to run a bit last minute (as in Wednesday of this past week), thus completing little to no training. But he did it. And he did it well.

Here are T and Z hoping to catch a glimpse of Daddy right around mile 23.We were so glad to see him in the distance (he's the handsome guy in black shorts and a red shirt).And we got a big smile from him when he saw us :)Then we dashed off to the finish where we watched him come down the hill towards the Capitol.And cross the finish line.Two thumbs up for you, Daddy! We could not be more proud of you!!!


Rob and Carrie said...

That's crazy! Nice work, Michael!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely unbelievable!! Very, very proud of you!! Mom

Rob and Carrie said...

Happy Birthday, Stacy! Hope it's a wonderful day!