"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

No Tricks. Just Treats!

Another Halloween is in the books and by all accounts, this was a good one. The weather was grand and the kiddos got to wear their costumes twice this year. Here's a look at our Safari Man and his Chunky Little Lion :)We first hit up the MN Zoo yesterday for their Happy HallZooWeen Party. T and Z had fun checking out many of the animals while getting some sweet treats along the way.T found out that his binoculars came in quite handy throughout the day.And of course we had to make a stop at the Woodland Adventures Playground (it's a favorite for these two).At the end of the morning, our little lion cub was tuckered out so she simply kicked back in the bike trailer and enjoyed the ride.The second wearing of the costumes came tonight, of course, for our annual tromp around our neighborhood. We were pleased to have the D family join us this year - they added another adorable safari creature as well as a super rockin' Spidey to the mix :)After hitting up our block, we stopped at the "light house" and then ended up at the R's home (as is our tradition). Here, a few more kiddos joined the mix. Some are pictured (our pal Sweet Pea, who went as a kitty and our friend, L, who was a pretty princess). Two others were not in this photo (L's little bro, E, who was a green monster/dinosaur/dragon dude and Little T, aka Robin Hood).It was a great night and both of our kiddos were asleep as fast as their precious heads could hit the pillow......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very Very cute costumes!! So glad you had great "adventures"!! Grandma