"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Our Lake Runneth Over

In case you're not from around these parts, or even if you are and just haven't realized it, the southern portion of our state is experiencing some pretty serious flooding issues. Thankfully, my parents' home (which is on a lake that is fed by surrounding flooded rivers) is just fine. Their lake, on the other hand, is swelling at its seams. On Thursday evening, after receiving a phone call for help from my mom, we went out to the house to help take the panels off the dock (and when I say we, I mean Michael) as the water had risen quite massively in a very short period of time following record breaking rainfall, and the water was sloshing over the dock causing many of the panels to become loose. After Michael completed this task, he determined it would be best to get the boat out of the water as well. He and my mom conquered this feat in the wind and rain while I manned the fort with the kiddos. By Friday morning, it became quite clear that their efforts were not in vain as the lake had risen even higher and not only was the dock framing completely submerged but much of the boat lift was as well. Later in the day on Friday, I talked to my Mom again (my dad has been in New Zealand for work while all of this has gone down) and she said the wind and waves had created quite a log jam on top of, in front of and surrounding the dock. This morning when we spoke, she said it was quite a sight. Thankfully, the wind and rain had ceased and so we decided to venture out there this morning to survey the damage. This is what we found.In Z's words, "The lake is a big mess!" Yes, indeedy. A big, big mess.

Michael and T set right to work (they were having quite a bit of fun, actually).And not too much later, a rather large pile of logs had been gathered up on the lawn. Well done, boys!The work was far from over, however. But the next phase of clean up needed to be tackled from atop the water rather than from land. So, Michael and my parents' neighbor loaded up in their paddle boat and started moving more lumber.Following this rather lengthy feat, Michael took a well deserved rest - in a rather unconventional location.Here's a picture of this same area taken three weeks ago today.Getting back to shore from his resting spot proved to be a challenge in and of itself!(He's balancing his hands and feet on the framework of the submerged dock - remember there are no panels on it anymore, just the rails).

But in a matter of a few hours, we went from this.....to this.......
Well done, Michael!

The sun came out later in the day, too, and the collected twigs, sticks and logs came in handy for a variety of things......From horsesTo kindling.We were able to end our evening sitting outside, enjoying the crisp fall air and an amazing sunset, all the while keeping toasty warm by this blazing beauty (well done, again, Michael).
Yep. Our lake has runneth over.

But today was still a really good day.


Sara said...

Oh my, what an adventure! Nicely done!

Anonymous said...

.....and everyone slept well that night!!!! Wow, what a day - love the teepee fire, Michael. Cute, cute, pics of T and Z!!! Wish we could have helped! Mom

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting the pics of your parents place. Your mom told me of the adventure so now we can visualize the mess. We are so thankful Michael was there to come to her rescue. V&M

DEBBIE said...