"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Z's Sunday Birthday Best

Today we celebrated the birth of our sweet little Z and her second year of LIFE with us! We are out in Ohio visiting the Crane gang so we got to party with them - which was a treat! Here are some pics of the birthday girl!

One of the gifts Z received was a Bitty American Girl Doll that looks a lot like her :) We have named her Annie.
Z is quite enthralled with ballerinas lately so another one of her gifts was a tutu, some ballet shoes (handed down to her from her cousin Grace), a tiara and wand. She was quite proud!

(We don't have a picture yet of her new tutu because she refused to take off her "tutu" skirt to try on the new one!)
Happy Birthday, Zoe Grace!!! We love you, your giggles, your silliness, your determination, your spunk and your love for life. We thank God for blessing us with you!


Rob and Carrie said...

Happy Birthday, Zoe! Looks like you had a great birthday!!

Anonymous said...

CUTE, CUTE, CUTE. What a big day for you, Zoe! Enjoy your vacation! Love - Grams.

Sara said...

Happy Birthday, Zoe (Zeezoo)! We love you very much!

The V Family said...

Happy Birthday Z from the V's! See you soon!