"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Monday, August 23, 2010

One Week Ago Today.....

We were in Ohio visiting the Columbus Zoo. (As you might recall, this is where my older sister and her family live). Ha! That sounded kind of funny. Like maybe my sister and her family live in the zoo. Of course, you know they don't really live in the zoo. We were just visiting them and we took a day trip to the zoo. Ok, enough. Let's just move on.

While visiting the Crane's at their home in Ohio, we were able to take in some of the local sights. One such place was the Columbus Zoo. We saw things like this....And this.....And this.....The kids got to do things like this.....And this......Then we saw more things - like this.....And this....And even this :)But this guy was our favorite.(T said he thought it looked like this big guy was saying the Pledge of Allegiance).

Stay tuned to see what we were doing a week ago tomorrow.....


Anonymous said...

I can almost hear the laughter and comments from the ADULTS!! What a great memory-maker!! Grams

The Cranium House said...

I feel like I live in a zoo some days! G1 and G2 had a good chuckle when they saw the hippo's buns!