"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

One Week Ago Today (Second Edition).....

We were still in Ohio but this day found us out on the water enjoying the sun, water, beach and rockin' Crane boat. Here is a peek at some of the events from the day.....

Of course there was some swimmingand some snacking.Undoubtedly, there was a lot of just cruising around and relaxing....Which was mixed in with some silliness, of course.But when the boat stopped, there was a whole lot of jumping.Little Miss Z took a major liking to jumping off the boat. First she started down low off of the platform.
Later in the day, she decided that she needed a bit more of a thrill and went for the high dive.
No fear in this little girl :)

Our animal lover found it quite entertaining to run and chase away the gulls who were wandering around the beach.For the big kids there was some wake boardingand some wake surfing (Michael really enjoyed this new experience but I only have video of him doing it and we need to compile all of the footage into one video).It was an awesome day. Totally awesome.

1 comment:

The Cranium House said...

It was a totally awesome day - thanks for sharing the fun pics. We had a great time with you all!!