"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Full Hand

Today we celebrate T because just five short years ago today, God blessed us with a beautifully healthy baby boy whom we loved instantly and have been enjoying ever since. It is very hard for me to fully believe that today he turns FIVE but a look at birthdays past confirms it.......my little T is growing up.

One Day Old
One Year Old
Two Years Old
Three Years Old
Four Years Old
and today.....FIVE years old!
T is holding one of his birthday gifts in this photo - it's in his words, "a real live trumpet, not a toy one". It was a steal of a deal at a garage sale that Michael happened upon a couple of weeks ago but to this little musician, it is like gold :)

Here are a few of T's insights he shared with me today about being five:
* "I'm finally five! I've been waiting forever to be five!"
* "I feel a bit more grown upish now that I am five."
* "Hey, mom! Now that I am five, I am a full hand!" (while holding up all five fingers).

Because Michael had his back-to-school open house night tonight at school, we celebrated as a family (plus Beppe) last night with a birthday dinner at the Rain Forest cafe . Thankfully, my workshop week schedule allowed me to be home today so Z and I tried to treat T like a king. We went to IHOP for breakfast (at his request), ran a couple of errands (not at his request), went swimming at the pool, played with some of his gifts, made a cake, had chicken fettucine alfredo with bread sticks for supper (at his request) which was followed by cake for dessert. We'll celebrate both kiddos birthdays with family and friends at their party this coming Saturday - both of them are very much looking forward to it.

Here's a clip of the birthday boy being serenaded by yours truly and my cute little side kick :)

Happy Birthday, T! We love you more than words can express and we pray that God will bless you with an amazing year of being FIVE!!!


Anonymous said...

Cute, cute blog!! Sounds like your birthday was very special, T. Congratulations on your new trumpet - the real deal!! See you soon - Grams.

Rob and Carrie said...

Happy Birthday, Titus! I can't believe you are five years old already, either!! I loved your comments about being 5. What a great age!

rdljnrisbrudt.blogspot.com said...

Happy Birthday to my birthday buddy! We share the same birthday and one number in our age! Have a wonderful birthday week!