"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Z + Mmmmm = BFF

Ever since our trip to Disney last October, Little Miss Z has been in love with Minnie, or as she calls her, Mmmmm. Z has a little stuffed Minnie that she sleeps with every night and also has two shirts that have Mmmmm on them, which she asks to wear nearly every day. And on the days, like yesterday, when she is granted her wish and wears a Minnie shirt, she is quite reluctant to take it off at bedtime in order to put on her PJ's. So, when the Mmmm shirt of the day is her t-shirt (not the other one, which is a sweatshirt), we sometimes oblige Z and put her Minnie shirt over top of her PJ's. Such was the case on this particular day. Z was quite willing to show Mmmm to me while brushing her teeth before bed. Z and Mmmmm - they are such good friends :)

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