"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Friday, March 05, 2010

When I Grow Up....

Community Helpers has been the theme for T at preschool this week and yesterday for sharing, he needed to bring something that represented what he wants to be when he grows up. He'd been mulling over a wide variety of ideas throughout the week - ranging from a police officer to a bus driver (I think TR1 might be the inspiration behind that), from a daddy to a builder, from a drummer to a teacher to an athlete in the Olympics. Two occupations that T was firmly against included a garbage man - he said it would be too stinky - and a fireman - he said he did not want to be inside any burning houses. So what did he settle on today? Well, some might be surprised by this but T decided that he wants to be a veterinarian when he grows up. I know I was a bit caught off guard by his decision although he does have a very keen interest in animals lately, so I guess it is not totally out of the realm of possibility. I guess I just kind of assumed he would choose something to do with drums or music as that is definitely something he fills a lot of his time with. But, hey, a veterinarian. Not a bad idea at all. Anyway, here he is with the dog that he brought to share with his classmates, along with a stethoscope, of course. He's also sporting the policeman's hat that he made on Tuesday. We're proud of you, Dr. T, and we will look forward to seeing what you do end up growing up to be (you know, like 20 years from now)!


Andrea said...

I like that T took some serious time to think about his future!:) The dog that T is holding is identical to Tim's special puppy - named Nigh Nigh. He's gone through about 4 of them (thank you ebay!) but he's had that friend since he was a baby.

Rob and Carrie said...

Titus-you look so grown up! You will be a great vet or whatever you choose.

Anonymous said...

Yes, T,you do look grown up! What a neat assignment! Good choice. Grams.