"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

T is for Thursday. Thursday is for T.

I didn't do such a great job this week of writing down any "Titus-isms" so instead I have some photos of some of the things he has been up to in the past week or two.

After the tricking and treating was complete, T had some homework to accomplish with his loot. First, he had to sort all of his candy into bowls - all the NERDS in one bowl, all the TWIX in another, and so on and so forth. Next, he had to count which items he had the MOST of (Laffy Taffy and Starburst) and which items he had the LEAST of (there was a six-way tie). After that, he narrowed down his categories and placed all of the candy bars in one bowl, all of the suckers in another, well, I think you get the idea. And finally, to round out the math lesson, he made both ABAB and ABCABC patterns with some of his sweets.
As I think I have mentioned before on the blog, each week T has a Challenge Activity that he is asked to complete for his Sunday School class. This past week, he had learned about paying close attention to God. So, one of his challenges included using binoculars and exploring your house, paying close attention to the objects you saw through the glass. It was such a nice day outside when we decided to complete this challenge, that rather than exploring the inside of our house, T went on an outdoor exploration. He had great fun "paying close attention to" the plethora of squirrels that were playing around our backyard as well as those frolicking among the branches of the trees bordering our yard. My favorite part of the adventure took place as I snapped this photo. T exclaimed, "Oh my! I can see the heavens. And I think I just saw God!"
And finally, T is quite into tapping into his creative side as of late. He can spend a good chunk of time working at his easel.And even more recently, he has taken quite a liking to photography. While many of his attempts come out blurry or off kilter, others of them have turned out with a bit of an artistic flare. Below are a few examples. Kind of cool, don't you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very creative pics, T. Great detail on the drawing, too. I loved your adventure - maybe you did see God! Wishing you great days and see you next weekend. Grams