"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

T is for Tuesday. Tuesday is for T.

Here are some of T's finer moments from the past week or so:
Attempting to catch snowflakes on his tongue......
T's beloved blue dog had been thrown in the washing machine for a much needed cleaning. As bed time was approaching, T was searching for Blue and I told him to go retrieve his friend from the dryer. T seemed to be spending a great deal of time in the laundry room but I was busy doing something else and didn't go investigate. About 10 minutes later, T came upstairs and said, "Mommy! Come look what I did!" Expecting to find some type of creation/disaster, I was pleasantly surprised when I was greeted by two laundry baskets of clothing that had been removed from the dryer. "See?!", T exclaimed. "I took all of the clothes out of the dryer. I put my clothes in one basket and Z's clothes in the other basket. Didn't I do a great job?"

Oh, it was enough to melt a mother's heart. I guess he has been listening all those times when I narrate what I am doing while I go about my household business. What a treat, T!
While eating lunch the other day, a large group of black birds suddenly seemed to invade one of our next door neighbor's trees. They were loud and caused quite a ruckus. T decided that they were having church in that tree (might that suggest that our church is a bit boisterous?). Anyway, after telling me about the birds' church goings, he then pointed out one of the birds and said, "That must be the Birdnick." I had him repeat what he had said again and mentally decided that T was making up words again. However, T then stated, "That bird is the pastor. He's Bird Nick." Suddenly, it all made sense. Our pastor's name is Nick and so we refer to him as Pastor Nick. T simply took that name and logically extended it to the birds. We have our Pastor Nick. The black birds have their Bird Nick. Makes perfect sense, don't you think?
When Michael returned home from work one evening last week, T announced that we were having Hosanna for supper. While this IS the name of T's preschool, it certainly was NOT what was being served that evening. Rather, there was a steamin' hot dish of lip smackin' LASAGNA in the oven. Hosanna. Lasagna. I can see how he got confused.
T loves to play "chase" around the house. Before nap the other afternoon, he asked if I would chase him. He told me Daddy was going to play too, and that Daddy would be in the front, I would be in the middle and he would be in the back. It was a rousing game followed by some quiet rest time. When Michael went to release T from his rest time in his room, this was the conversation that ensued:

T: "Daddy, do you have Jesus in your heart?"
M: "Yes. I sure do."
T: "Wasn't it fun playing the chasing game before nap?"
M: "Yeah, that was fun."
T: "Did you know Jesus was playing chase with us the whole time, too?"


Lindsay Gietzen said...

I just love the story about the laundry! So cute.

Sara said...

What a treat to read these snippets! T is amazing!

Anonymous said...