"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Monday, October 05, 2009

A Strange Sense of Style

Miss Z has a very real curiosity for other people's clothing, namely that clothing which is much larger than herself. She routinely will find T's shoes on the front rug, bring them over to me, and in her own special language (lots of pointing, noise making and gesturing), ask me to put them on her. She is then, oh, so proud when those big clod hoppers are positioned on her dainty little toes. The same routine can often occur with socks - not her socks, mind you. She is quite quick to pull those off. She prefers those socks that are, again, much too large for her. If she finds a pair of T's socks or Michael's socks lying around the house, she puts them in her fists and high tails it over to me for assistance in securing the garments to her tootsies. In the photo below, she actually had T's socks on underneath a pair of Michael's socks.This morning, Z branched out from her love for footwear and brought me a pair of T's Undies. Not wanting to disappoint, I obligingly helped her put on her brother's skivvies - on top of her own clothing, of course.She was happy as a clam and sported them around while playing....until her brother came searching for his missing undergarment at which point the fun ended.

I'm not exactly sure where this little hobby will take her - I think it's best if I just don't go there. For now, it's the source of some good clean fun :).


Anonymous said...

Z, you are too precious! Grams

The Cranium House said...

Z - you are a hoot! G1 and G2 loved the undies shot!