"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Holy Flagorama, FlagMan!

After returning from an extended weekend at Grandpa and Grandma's house courtesy of good ole MEA, T was absolutely thrilled to find that the large, tubular package sitting on our front doorstep was indeed for him. He was even MORE thrilled when he opened said package and found that it contained a plethora of new flags - sent to him by someone who doesn't even really know him in real life but more so through the world of blogs. Let me explain.

A while back, the sweet sister of my equally sweet friend and college roomie emailed me to let me know that she had been in a store and saw a bunch of flags at a great price. She asked if I might be interested in them for T. Granted, she has not met T but she knows of his love of all things flags through our blog and so thought of him when she spotted this bargain. I told her we would very much be interested in them and thanked her for thinking of T. Weeks have gone by, she has actually moved out of the metro area and yet, out of the absolute kindness of her heart, she still took the time to mail a package to T which contained a multitude of flags - mostly state flags, if you really want to know, though there are a few country flags as well, in addition to a MN Timberwolves flag which T promptly added to his "basketball flag" collection. Many of the flags also sport stars (another one of T's loves) - might this have also been on purpose??? T was absolutely giddy with the gift. ABSOLUTELY GIDDY.

So to you, Miss Cynthia, I send a heartfelt "THANKS" for making one flag-loving little boy's day. Well, actually, his week. OK, in truth, you made his month, if not his entire year :)


Anonymous said...

What a WONDERFUL SURPRISE. I hope Miss C receives blessings upon blessings for her kindness to a very special young man. Grams

Becky said...

My sister rocks! BUT I am equally sweet. :)

SkodaFun said...

I'm so glad he's enjoying the flags. I love to see a smile on a child's face!!