"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

T is for Tuesday. Tuesday is for T.

Here are a few tidbits from T for the week:After getting in the car following his first full day of preschool, T's remark to me: "That was a lot of fun, Mom."
While visiting the zoo on Saturday, T enthusiastically called me over to a large pond/small lake at the zoo which is not really designed to be an attraction or exhibit per say, and exclaimed, "Look! Look! Do you see that?"

I did see a somewhat unusual bird sitting on a log in the water. "Oh, that's a neat bird," I replied.

"That's not just a bird, Mom. That's a hurpendorf."

"A hurpendorf?", I questioned.

"Yep, a hupenforf. I've always wanted to see one of those!"

He later spotted some more hurpendorfs near the zebra exhibit, the prairie dog exhibit and the tiger exhibit. No clue where he came up with that one :)

While swimming in a pool recently, Michael told T that he was tall enough to go into the three feet section. T replied, "But Daddy, I only have two feet."

While telling me about his Sunday School lesson this week, T explained: "There were these people, Mom, and they were WHINING. They were whining to God because they were thirsty. So, God, he told this guy to poke a hole in this rock and WHOOSH, a bunch of water came out! Pretty cool, huh?"
And finally, T has been very enamored with drawing on the wipe board portion of his easel lately. One of his current favorites to create is a castle. He's getting quite detailed in his depiction.The other day, he also decided to draw an apartment castle. It looked similar to the above castle but had 7 rows of windows with two windows in each row. T then proceeded to draw people inside each window. As he was drawing, I asked him who each person was and what they were doing. Here were his responses:

Row #1: Grandpa was dancing. Grandma was jumping on the trampoline.
Row #2: Pake was going to do a cartwheel. Beppe was going to the bathroom (sorry mom).
Row #3: A bird was running. A "brigerat" was going to sleep (can you tell he is in to making up words lately).
Row #4: A chimpanzee was singing. A "long bang" was going to the pool.
Row #5: Mom was nodding her head. T was drawing a castle.
Row #6: Three Arm - well, he's a person but he wasn't doing anything. KooKoo was running.
Row #7: Bubba was playing basketball and football. And the final person/creature's name was more of a sound effect - similar to that of a gun shot and he was running.

Oh to be inside his little head for even just one day :)


Anonymous said...

Oh, T, you sure helped me start my day with a good healthly laugh. YOU are TOO CUTE!! Thanks, Stacy for sharing the BEST of T with us. Grams

rdljnrisbrudt.blogspot.com said...

Before I read your last story I thought "I love this little guys sense of humor". Then I read your last story and couldn't stop laughing....grandpa dancing...I am coming to look through your window! I need to see this!