"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

T is for Tuesday. Tuesday is for T.

Here are a couple of pics of T's first day at preschool. I got to go with him today for an abbreviated version of a typical afternoon. He seemed to like it quite well. We spent the first 45 minutes together in his classroom with his teachers, classmates and other parents. We just explored the room and played with some of the toys.Then, all the kids sat down for snack while the parents left for an informational meeting with the director. We were apart for about 45 minutes, during which time T said they "ate snack, played musical chairs and did some other stuff". There were no tears, so I guess that is a good sign. Thursday will be his first official day by himself - I think that might be a bit trickier :) However, the director assured us they know how to handle tears - from both kids and parents - so not to be worried about that :) She (the director) is a funny lady and I was very happy with T's two teachers. They both seem like very loving and talented ladies.

When the day was done, we met up with T's buddy E and his mom. E is attending the same school but is in a different room. We snapped a few photos of the two goofballs
and then T and I headed out for a little date to celebrate his first day. Where did he request to go? DQ, of course! It was a good ending to a successful first day of school. Praying for another great experience on Thursday!


Henrik and Carrie said...

Way to go, T!

Anonymous said...

How fun for both T & Mom!! Way to go, T (too)!!!! Love you, Grams