"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, September 03, 2009

The Great Reversal

So, let's jump back a bit. Well, OK, let's jump back a lot - all the way back to the end of July to the weekend that we spent at Inspiration Point Bible Camp for Family Camp. It was our first camp adventure as a family of four and we had a grand time (despite the fact that Z had the worst cold she has ever had the entire time that we were there). This is one of only two pictures I have of her from the four days we were away. This is definitely the least pathetic looking of the two.Anyway, the theme this year out at camp was the Great Reversal. Grandma was so kind and bought the three boys matching theme shirts - it's one of T's favorite tees and he asks to wear his "Bible Camp shirt with the break dancer on it" quite often.T enjoyed his first bunk bed sleeping experience. He had a great time playing on the playground.This old school merry go-round was a very popular attraction.He also took a swim in the lake, went to his own "kids worship" during the morning bible sessions, enjoyed Gas Light theater and played kickball, too.In addition, we enjoyed great times of worship as well as tasty meals that were prepared for us each day. Though a dining hall full of people is not the most relaxing place to eat with two small children (well, really, where is?), I especially enjoyed not having to cook or clean up :)

All in all, we had a great time! It will definitely become a family tradition for us! We're already looking forward to next year (hopefully without the cold)!

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