"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

T is for Tuesday. Tuesday is for T.

I know I've missed a few weeks of T's tidbits - we've been out and about road trippin'.....more to come on that later. For now, here are a couple of my favorite T sayings from the week.
Last week I braved a solo flight with both kids to my parents' home in Chicago. It's a short flight, right?! Anyway, T could not have been more excited. He was so full of questions from the moment we set foot in the airport. He has flown many times but it has been awhile and clearly this is the first trip that he really remembers. Here were some of his comments:

While taking off: "Whoa! This is great! This is SO great! It's like a giant roller coaster with a really big engine!"

While ascending: "Wow, mama! Look out the window! I can see the heavens!"

Numerous times while in flight: "This is so much fun! I am having so much fun!"

His thrills didn't end when we landed either. We very happily ended up in the concourse at O'Hare that has many flags from various countries hanging from the ceiling. T was in awe. He named EVERY SINGLE ONE as we walked under them. We even stopped to take a picture amidst the crowd :) I'll post that later, too. "This is awesome!" was a common phrase.
During his devotions the other night with Michael, one of the questions in the book asked about what you could say to the little boy in the story who was feeling sad that would help him to feel better. T's response, "Jesus forgived all your sins!"
While eating lunch today, T said, "Hey mama! I have a great idea." (I looked over at T to see him standing on his chair). "How about if I jump up as high as the ceiling fan, hang on to it for a few times and then jump off? Wouldn't that be cool?"
And finally, while watching a cartoon the other day, T was introduced to the words "brussel sprouts", except he thought the character on the show said that they were eating "muscle sprouts", to which T said, "Muscle sprouts? Those must make your muscles sprout!"


Anonymous said...

Oh T, I love your outlook on life and how much fun you have. Pake and I were so glad to go road trippin with you!!

Anonymous said...

T, you keep your Mom and Dad hoppin' with your "smarts". LOVE IT!! Grams

The V Family said...

Too funny! I could read things little kids say all day long. So cute. T, Little N is getting excited to play with you in a couple weeks!