"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

We've Been Away......

but now we're home :)

It's been a bit over a week since last you heard from us and much has happened, it seems. We celebrated the end of another school year last Thursday......finally. I think we were truly the last district in the state to be done. It was a good year for both of us as we were blessed with great students and positive work environments. We are now in the swing of all things summer and have just returned from our first summer jaunts. Michael safely landed this morning after his annual "School's Out - Let's Get High" trip to Colorado. Well, let me clarify. When I mean "high", I mean in the sense of altitude, not any type of chemical induced state. But of course you knew that already. Anyway, moving on. As I was saying, Michael returned home this morning with our friend James after successfully conquering four (yes, count them, FOUR) more 14ers (mountains over 14,000 feet in elevation) out in Colorado. I believe that puts his total at 12. I'm certain he will be posting pics and video shortly. He has some good shots to share. I, on the other hand, determined that instead of staying home for four days by myself, I would undertake my own adventure and I piled the kids in the van and drove to Pake and Beppe's house in the windy city. 16 hours round trip later and we, too, are safely back home. We had a great time! So, please excuse my brief hiatus from our typical weekly postings and take a peek at a few of the photos I took instead while we were away. This week all things will be back to normal. Well, a new normal, that is. A SUMMER normal. I LOVE IT!!!!

1 comment:

Henrik and Carrie said...

So glad you made it home safely, Michael! We are proud of you!