"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, June 04, 2009

T is for Thursday. Thursday is for T.

Here are this week's Tidbits:
T has really enjoyed having his Beppe here off and on the last month or so to help us out while Miss Tricia takes some time to "just" be a Mommy :) During her last visit she and T created this fabulous flag hat. Quite stunning, isn't it? Not to mention, a very creative use for a colander. Five days later, he still is insistent that the hat remain on display in the living room.
While I was putting Z to bed the other evening, T and Michael were engaged in a very common pre-bed activity for them at our house - WRESTLING. It really helps to settle T down for the night, you know? Ahem. Anyway, in addition to being one of the contestants, T also likes being the referee. This then requires a third person to join in on the action. As such, T invited Beppe (who was a spectator on the couch) to wrestle Michael. He was VERY confident in her ability.

"Come on, Beppe! You can DO it!"

Beppe politely declined.
And finally, while sitting at the dinner table one night this evening, T, well, how do I say this? T, um, he "let one rip". It was quite a unique sound from one so young (so much so that I questioned whether it really came from him and not the elder male Levang at our table). T's response, however, was even more unusual. He got this serious little expression on his face and then said, "Um, I think that was a helicopter."

Oh my. I lost it. I'm laughing even now as I write this. Blaming his bodily functions on a helicopter. T - this one takes the cake!


Anonymous said...

Oh T, as I'm reading about your antics and having witnessed them first hand, tears are running down my cheeks from laughing out loud again. The helicopter one gets me every time!!! Miss you, Beppe

Henrik and Carrie said...

Must run in the family, Carrie said the same thing the other day.
