"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Saturday, June 06, 2009

A Rainy Afternoon at Urgent Care

Two things happened today that haven't occurred around here in quite awhile.

1. It rained. All day.
2. We took a trip to urgent care.That's right. Urgent care. What else do you do on a rainy Saturday afternoon? Well, I can think of other things to do. How about watch a movie? Or clean the house? Maybe curl up with a good book? Nope. Not today. Today we went to urgent care. Let me explain.

We're not completely sure, but it appears that our little Z's penchant for putting all things into her mouth took a turn for the worse today. Soon after waking from her morning nap, Z was playing on the floor and though I cannot say for certain, I believe she found a sticker on the floor and ate it. I saw her kind of gag and then seem to be OK. When I tried to fish out the unknown item, I could find nothing. So, I proceeded to feed Z her lunch. She nursed for a short time and then started to fuss. The fussing was followed by a bit more gagging. This continued. She got upset. I got a little scared. She calmed down. We tried again. Same result. So we stopped nursing. I then tried some baby food. She ate that just fine but when she went to take a sip from her cup - more gag reflex. She never actually spit anything up - her gag reflex just seemed to be super sensitive. Quite a few more episodes of this mixed in with an unusually upset little girl led to a call to our pediatrician's office. They suggested that we bring her in. Now, let me just assure all of you readers out there that at no time was Z having trouble breathing. Her gag reflex just seemed to be on overdrive. Right before we left, she successfully drank some water, but we went to get her checked out anyway. Two hours and a chest and neck X-Ray later, we returned home with a perfectly normal little Z. In fact, while we were waiting at urgent care, she very quickly returned to her chipper little self, guzzling down her water like a champion and snacking on Sweet Potato Star Puffs. The doctor carefully examined the X-Rays with us and found nothing in her chest, lungs, esophagus, etc. He gave us a few things to watch for over the next couple of days but he seemed to think that whatever led to the gagging had resolved itself. Upon our return home, Z nursed like a champion and promptly fell asleep for her belated afternoon nap. She has been fine the rest of this evening. We are very thankful for this positive outcome and are being even more vigilant in trying to detour Z from her propensity to be a human vacuum cleaner.

I'm telling you - this little girl keeps us hopping!


Anonymous said...

Praising the Lord for just a good outcome - Stacy, you win the prize for your writing skills - in fact, my friends (who you do not realize are reading your blog) comment on your wonderful "story-telling". Love to you all - and enjoy another cool-rainy day. Grams!!!

erinmarie said...

I second that... serveral of my friends (one who has a little boy the same age as T) are avid readers also =) Thanks for all the time you put in keeping us updated!

DEBBIE said...

Wow Stacy, I can relate. Jaxson sticks everything in his mouth too. Friday it was polished rocks I have in a dish. Outside we never know what it will be.. He had dirt all over his mouth the other day, so I knew whatever it was, wasn't going to be good:)

The Cranium House said...

So glad little Miss Z is okay. Can't wait to see what she'll find to get into at the lake!