"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

T is for Thursday. Thursday is for T.

Here are some of T's highlights from the week:
Last Friday evening, T and I went on a date. Our church has a new drama ministry called Redeemer's Song and Friday was their first performance - "The Emperor's New Robe". T did great - sitting quietly and paying attention the whole time. He really seemed to enjoy it. On the way home, I asked him if he had liked the play. He said, "Yes." And then he followed his review up with, "And I'm pretty sure Jesus liked it, too."
We are welcoming the blooming of trees and flowers around our neck of the woods these days. T has become quite fond of two "flowers" in particular. Dandelions and lilacs. He greatly enjoys spotting both of them while out walking, playing or driving. Upon noticing that one of our neighbors has a plethora of the yellow "flowers" in their yard, he inquired why they had so many dandelions at their house while we did not. He then told me that we needed to "plant" more in our yard. And as for the lilacs, T really has fun spying these fragrant bushes. In fact, while driving to church the other day, T said, "WHOA MAMA! Look at all the lilac bushes! And, hey! There's the moon! He came out to see all the lilacs, too!"
The other morning, soon after waking up, T had just used the bathroom and instead of having him put his PJ's back on, I had told him to wait just a minute while I ran down to his room to get his clothes for the day. When I came back up, he was brushing his teeth, sans pants. I set his clothes in the bathroom and then went to check on Z. In doing so, I heard T say, "Oh no, Mama. My peanut is dripping!" Turns out his "peanut" was not dripping - he had just gotten a little crazy in spitting out his toothpaste and mistook his saliva for a different body secretion.

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