"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, May 07, 2009

T is for Thursday. Thursday is for T.

Here are this week's favorite T moments:

Hopscotch to 100?! That's what T wanted me to create on the driveway this week. So, I drew four hopscotches, each with 25 squares. The first group was 1-25, the next 26-50 and so on, thus creating a hopscotch to 100. Did he follow through and really jump from 1 to 100? You bet he did. Probably about 30 times so far.
I took T to his preschool screening this week. Yikes! Is he already old enough for that? Anyway, a few of the screening questions asked him to rhyme (which the screener later told me is not really expected for his current age). We had just recently started talking about rhyme at home and so the screening seemed to spark a new interest in the concept. He now asks to make rhymes on a daily basis. Sometimes he is successful. Sometimes not. For example, while making rhymes on our way to church, T chose the word "pepper". I said, "OK, T. What rhymes with pepper?" After a thoughtful pause, T stated, "Salt."
Apparently T is into time efficiency this week when it comes to people's names. He recently announced that he now calls his Beppe - "Bep" and Pake is "Pak". Grandpa is "Gramps" and Grandma is "Gram". Oh, and not to be left out, Zoe is "Zo".
While to the untrained eye the above photo may simply look like two chairs pushed together with an REI magazine positioned between two play food orange slices and a small red chair positioned in front of said chairs, magazine and oranges - to T, the above wooden chairs are his very own "pipe organ" (the spindles are the pipes), the magazine his "music", the oranges his "music holder" and the red chair the perch from which he plays his instrument. He created this organ all on his own and plays it daily, serenading me with songs while I make meals or unload the dishwasher.
T likes to create a flag store for us to shop in - he proudly displays all of his flags and then eagerly waits with his cash register for a customer to come to his business. The location of the store varies throughout the house but up until this week, the store was nameless. No longer. This week T aptly named his establishment "Flags R'Us".
Upon waking from his nap yesterday, T said, "Mama, do you know what I dreamed about? CONSTRUCTION! There were bulldozers, diggers, cherry pickers and front loaders. And do you know what they were building? A big group of flags!" Obviously.


Sara said...

T, you are awesome! I especially enjoyed your store "Flags 'R' Us" and was very pleased with my purchases.

Anonymous said...

T, you crack me up!!! Can't wait to come and stay with you - 2 whole days! Love you, Gram :)