"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

T is for Tuesday. Tuesday is for T.

Here are this week's "T"id bits:

Wednesday nights get to be pretty late for our kiddos, what with youth group and all. Little Miss Z routinely falls asleep on our drive home from church as it is typically a good hour and a half past her usual bed time. This past Wednesday was no different - she was out like a light and quiet as a mouse within minutes of leaving church. However, upon our return home, when I opened up the van door to carefully take Z inside, I found a most precious sight. Z was sound asleep with T's beloved Blue Dog tucked sweetly beside her. At some point during the drive home, T apparently had decided to share this most prized possession with his little sister and had ever so quietly and carefully placed Old Blue next to Z in her seat. No greater love.........
After waking up one morning T said to me, "Mommy. I still have that funny joke from yesterday stuck in my hair."
While talking about Mr. Tom and Miss Tricia's "soon-to-arrive" baby, T said, "Hey, I know what Miss Tricia should name her baby. JESUS!"

Hmmmm, I don't know T. That's a pretty tough name to live up to :)
During one of our nightly bed time chats, T and I were brainstorming ideas of things we could do for others to show them kindness. When it came time to think of something he could do to show kindness towards me, T said, "Instead of shooting my tinkle all around to see how many bubbles I can make, I could just put my tinkle in the potty."

Yes. What a KIND, not to mention sanitary, idea!


Noelle said...

Oh-the last one made me laugh out loud. Thanks Titus!

Henrik and Carrie said...

Oh my, oh my! I am so glad you are writing these things down and sharing them with us!

Titus, you are a precious boy!!

Candis Berge said...

Laughing and laughing.

Stewart the dog and Samsonite the cat said...

Too funny! We'll think about Jesus, but to be honest it isn't on our top 10 list. :o)