"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Monday, January 05, 2009

T Loves To Tell The Story.....

of the house on Christmas street. Let me explain. This Christmas season, there was a house in our neighborhood that was decked out in lights. But not just lights that simply shone in the night. No, these lights danced. They danced to music. Pure bliss for a little boy who was completely taken with any type of Christmas light this season. The synchronized light show occurred each evening, lasting a half hour in duration, during the holiday season. T became such a fan of the light house that he wanted to tell EVERYONE about it. Family and friends were a shoe-in to hear the story. But he did not stop there. He would tell anyone and everyone who talked to him about the show (i.e., the kind workers at Target who would check us out, the nice grandma who sat in front of us at my parents' church on Christmas Eve, the server at a restaurant). Sometimes, he would want us to tell the story for him. He would whisper to us, "Tell them about the light house." So we would start the story for him and he would often jump in, almost always ending by singing a line from the song in the light show that became his favorite - I don't really know the name of the song but it's something about a house that has 47,000 Christmas lights and is on Christmas street. I'm not sure how many times we drove by the "light house". Most often we would just listen to a song or two and then be on our way. But last week, on the night before we left for Fergus Falls, we told T that we would watch the entire light show because we anticipated that when we returned from Fergus the light show would be no more. We also videoed portions of the show, for two reasons. First, we taped it so that T can enjoy it all throughout the year. Second, we wanted people who have heard T's story but who have not seen the source of his story to get a taste of what he was talking about. Here's a snippet of the show during his favorite song.

What has struck me about T's zeal for this light show is his passion (it's true passion) and his eagerness to tell people about it. It has reminded me that I am called to tell the story of a different light - the Light of the World - the light whose birth we recently celebrated. Oh, that I might be so excited about HIM that I would tell HIS story with the same passion and excitement that T has shown about the light house. In addition, it has also caused me to pray that someday, T would be just as eager to tell EVERYONE he meets about Jesus as he was to share the story of the "light house" this past Christmas season.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Precious - and what precious little ones you have. They are so fortunate to have you two a parents. We love you guys - thanks for sharing Christmas with us. G & G L