"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Friday, January 23, 2009

FunFlix Friday

We're going to attempt to establish a little blog tradition over here at "A Day In The Life". Each Friday I plan to post a video - most likely of the kiddos - but you never know, maybe I'll surprise you and throw in a movie of Michael doing P90X or something just to spice it up a bit :) So, here goes!

In an effort to stay an "equal air time" blogging Mom, today's entry will consist of two snippets from the past week. The first is of Z with the giggles. You'll notice that her source of entertainment is her goofy big brother in the bathtub. Nobody makes her laugh quite like T does. The second clip is of T jamming in his bedroom - he's still a drummin' machine!


Anonymous said...

We loved watching the new videos... and like the idea of seeing a new one every Friday... great idea!!! Love you, Pake and Beppe

Becky said...

I love those giggles and T's got some mad drumming skills! His drumset is rockin'.

erinmarie said...

Thanks for putting a smile on my face T and Z!!! (and cute pj's Z)
Auntie E

Rob and Carrie said...

Stacy and Michael-your blog is unbelievable! What a cute picture of your kiddos at the top, and I love the videos!